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Zhejiang Taizhou Zhongda Industry Design Co.,Ltd.

Company Profile
Zhejiang Taizhou Zhongda Industry Design Co.,Ltd.ˇˇFollowing the high-speed development of China's economy, what the wide design market changes gradually is limpid, for many years ID-RIVER Medical equipment, digital products, electrical home appliances and plastic products, research and development of panel beating and plastic mould and technology of the manufacturing technology Based on precipitat...
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Contact Us
Company: Zhejiang Taizhou Zhongda Industry Design Co.,Ltd.
Contact: Mr. chen jinliang
Address: Zhejiang Taizhou Zhongda
Postcode: 318015
Tel: 86 576 8017809
Fax: 86 576 8017859


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Tel : 86 576 8017809 Fax : 86 576 8017859
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